Entries by Saint James School

Last Call For Father/Daughter Dance RSVPS

Tomorrow morning is the last day to RSVP for this Saturday’s Father/Daughter Dance.  Tickets for families that have sent in their forms will be sent home with students tomorrow. If you need another copy of the Father/Daughter Dance flyer & RSVP form, you can download a copy HERE.          

SJS Email Address Update

In an effort to better help you direct your communications and questions, we have implemented a new email address, mainoffice@saintjamesschool.net.  The  new “Main Office” email address will be checked by Mrs. Delsignore and should be used for admissions applications, registrations, all student record requests and absentee notifications.  Any personal and confidential information should be directed to […]

Spring Concert Tomorrow

This Wednesday (5/7) is the annual Saint James School spring concert.  For the evening performance, band performers should arrive at 6:00pm and meet in the cafeteria.  Attire for band students for the evening performance is a white button down shirt with collar and black pants or black skirt.  Skirts must be below the knee.  Also, […]

Tomorrow’s Memorial Service

Dear Saint James Parents, a memorial Mass will be held tomorrow – Friday, May 2 – at 10 a.m. at St. James Church for Matthew Cavallo the father of two of our students.  The two fifth grade classes as well as Mrs. Camposeo’s 3rd grade class (with parent’s permission) will be attending the Mass.  If […]

Art Show

Today our Pre-K through 8th grade classes each had a chance to stop by the Art Show in the gym to admire some of the amazing works of art created by Saint James School students this year.  We hope to see students and parents back tonight for the Art Show and Ice Cream Social with […]