Entries by Saint James School

Rotary Club Visits SJS 3rd Grade

Yesterday, Mr. Ward, Mr. Lawrance, and Mr. Prasad – members of the local Rotary Club – visited with Saint James 3rd grade students – handing out student dictionaries and talking about the Rotary Club’s work throughout the world.  Below are pictures from the two 3rd grade classes:    

Extended Day Registration

Registration for the Extended Day program for the 2014-2015 school year is now open.  Please remember, families who are currently using the Extended Day program MUST re-register each school year to help us plan for staffing, etc. A copy of the 2014-2015 Extended Day Registration Form can be downloaded here.    

Gala Invitations

Please be on the lookout for your family’s invitation to the 2014 Saint James School Gala and Auction, coming home with students in today’s “kidmail.”  If you need an additional invitation (for yourself, family, or friends) please stop by the school office.    

Fifth Grade Ship Day Pictures

Fifth grade students set sail for the new world today as part of their studies on early American history. Here are a few pictures from the morning as they passed through the baggage checkers and got settled in for a day-long adventure at “sea.”