Entries by Saint James School

Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Help Needed

On Friday, May 30 , the HSA will host the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon. The luncheon takes place from 12:00pm-1:00pm in the cafeteria.  Please remember there is NO Hot Lunch served on this day.  We are in need of volunteers to help with any of the following: 1) Prepare main dishes, sides, and desserts or […]

Hot Lunch Program Important Note

Hot lunch account statements were sent home on Friday.  All outstanding balances must be paid in full by the end of May.  Beginning June 2nd through the end of the school year, students wishing to purchase school lunch must either have enough money in their account to cover the purchase or bring cash.  Please take […]

Field Day Date Change

Please note, Field Day will occur on June 10th for all grades (Pre-K through 7th) this year, with a rain date of June 12th.  More information will be sent home regarding field day closer to that date, but we wanted to make you aware of the change to the originally published school events schedule.  The […]

Important Notice Regarding Afternoon Pick-up Today

Just a reminder: CL&P will be digging up a small portion of the Saint James Church parking lot today and do not anticipate being finished by our 2:00pm pick-up time.  Parents may park in the ST. MARY’s church parking lot (across from St. James Church) today if there is an issue with parking.  Please allow yourself plenty of extra time getting into […]

Saint James School Foundation Golf Tournament

On behalf of all the parents and faculty at Saint James School, Mrs. Kanute would like to take a moment to express her sincere appreciation to the many, many friends of the school who participated in the Foundation’s golf tournament and dinner yesterday.  With over 115 people golfing and over 130 people attending the dinner, […]

International Day Pictures

Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day yesterday. The students’ costumes, props, and knowledge of their assigned country were very impressive. Students in all grades (including Pre-Kindergarten) had an opportunity to visit the various booths and learn more about that country from the 8th […]