Entries by Saint James School

Pasta Dinner Thank You

A huge thank you to all the SJS families and friends who participated in our Pasta Dinner from Olive Garden on Friday, February 27.  Thank you also to the volunteers and service hour students who helped make the dinner a success.      

Spelling Bee Postponed

The Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee finals scheduled for this evening have been postponed due to the weather.  The new date is March 12th, at the same location.  Please arrive by 6:00pm (pizza will be served).  The event begins at 6:30pm.            

3rd Graders Discover Tertiary Colors (pictures)

Today, SJS 3rd graders learned about “tertiary colors” – colors that result from mixing a primary and a secondary color – during art class.   Elementary school art teacher, Mrs. Sabatella, had students create tertiary colors to use for painting the rainforest bird pictures they drew during a prior art class.  Rainforest sounds were played to […]

Hats Off to Reading Contest

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, today Mrs. Carpenter kicked off another fun reading contest for the Kindergarten through 5th grade classes.  Reading logs will be passed out in library this week & details on the contest will be discussed.  The grade with the most books read during the contest will win a dress down […]

Reminder: Lenten Prayer Service Tomorrow Morning

During lent, Student Council will be sponsoring Prayer Services on Friday mornings and a couple of Wednesday mornings. Please take this time to join us in prayers for family, friends, peace, and other special intentions. Also, this will be a time of giving thanks for the many Blessings we have in our lives. All students, […]

Just Added for the Gala Auction

A few very exciting updates to the growing list of items being auctioned off at the 2015 Gala: Father Casey, Mrs. Vassallo, and Mrs. Camposeo will come to your kitchen and cook an authentic Roman pasta dinner for 10. They will prepare, cook, set up, and clean up this amazing dinner, so invite 8-9 of […]

On Time Arrival & Detentions

Mrs. Kanute would like to again remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There are still an excessive number of late arrivals and Mrs. Kanute has noticed the same children arriving late on a regular basis.  Beginning on Monday (March 2nd), these students will begin receiving detention […]