Entries by Saint James School

Tomorrow’s Open House

Thank you again to all the families who have helped us spread the word about tomorrow’s Prospective Family Open House.  If you are on Facebook (and have not already done so) please like and share our Open House post by clicking HERE.  Informational post cards and brochures for any families you know that may be […]

Mother/Son Event A Success

Thank you to all the Saint James School moms and sons who came out for the Mother/Son Wolf Pack Game yesterday.  We had well over 100 attendees and the event was a lot of fun!  Special thanks to parent volunteer Mrs. Moriarty for coordinating this event and for sending in the following pictures of our […]

Cancellation Information For Tomorrow’s Games

Please be advised, as of right now all basketball games at SJS are ON for tomorrow, despite the Manchester Public Schools cancellation announcement that went out.  Please keep an eye on Channel 3 for game cancellations – it will show up under “Central Ct Deanery.”  We will also try to list a notice under the […]

Volunteers Still Needed for Saturday

This Saturday, Jan 23rd, Saint James will be hosting JV basketball games all day long at our school.  As other schools have done when they host, we are going to have a concession stand to sell drinks and snacks for the spectators as well as the players. Parents are asked to consider helping run the […]

Mother/Son Event

Just a reminder that the Saint James School Mother/Son event is this Sunday.  Attendees should meet at the First Niagara Bank area of the main lobby of the XL center to get their tickets and check in by 2:30pm.  Our group will be escorted into the arena through a side door.  If any families are […]

Childcare Tax Statements

Any family needing a statement for their Extended Day and/or Pre-Kindergarten costs for 2015 taxes should contact Denise Mayo, Tuition Manager, at denisemayo56@msn.com. Please do not call with your request – it must be in writing.  Should you have any questions, then please call Denise at 860-643-5088, #7.

Music Teacher

Mrs. Kanute wishes to inform parents that our Music Teacher, Mrs. Bonn, has decided to leave Saint James School to pursue another opportunity.  We are excited to announce that Mrs. Pamela Archangeli – who subbed for us in music earlier in the year – will be joining Saint James School as our music teacher for […]