Ski Club Tomorrow
As a reminder, there is Ski Club tomorrow.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Saint James School contributed a whooping 5361 entries.
As a reminder, there is Ski Club tomorrow.
Parents with pre-kindergarten students: If you are parking in the staff lot by the pre-kindergarten in the morning, please do not block the dumpsters or the entrance to the sidewalk from the lot. Thank you.
Lots of Valentine’s Day crafts, artwork, and parties going on this afternoon, as well as (of course) some educational lessons on Saint Valentine himself (click pictures to enlarge). Happy Valentine’s Day to all our SJS families and friends!
Special thanks to Mrs. Carpenter for sending in the pictures from the first Art/Book Club meeting: Mrs. Sabatella and Mrs. Carpenter will host another two sessions of the reading/art club after school (2:00pm – 3:13pm) on March 1st & 15th for students in grades 1 – 3. A permission slip will be e-mailed out shortly […]
The January Aftercare Statements and 2016 Tax Statements are available for pickup today at aftercare. Please make sure to pick up your family’s envelope from Ms. Jean as soon as possible.
Please note, several people have returned their registration paperwork without completing the backside of the registration form (which is the SJS Tuition Contract). Your registration is not complete without this component being filled out and signed. Please make sure you are completing/submitting all of the following: The Completed Family Registration Form; The Completed and signed […]
Congratulations to all of our 7th Grade Students on an excellent job at the science fair today. Students did an excellent job presenting their findings to the younger and older grades as well as the many judges, parents, grandparents, and staff in attendance. Special thanks to SJS Science Teacher Mrs. Plante for putting this together, […]
This Wednesday, February 8th, is the 7th Grade Science Fair at Saint James School. SJS parents and other guests are welcome to visit between the hours of 8:30am – 12:00pm to view the various projects and chat with the presenters. Please check in at the SJS Main Office before going to the Gym. An informational […]
(click image to enlarge)
Today our 4th graders completed their project on an assigned U.S. President, turning in a short report and giving a brief oral presentation to their classmates. As part of the assignment, students could choose to dress as their President for the day, put together an informational poster, or make a puppet. Below are pictures of […]