Entries by Saint James School

Advertise Your Business!

Help spread the word to the Saint James Community about a business you own (or work for) by Advertising at our school’s 2017 Gala! All advertising proceeds go toward supporting our school!  Your advertisement could also be featured on the TVs at the Gala and on the Jumbotron at Rentschler Field (with a Jumbotron ad, […]

Ash Wednesday Mass

There will be a school-wide Mass at Saint James Church this Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) at 9:15am.  All SJS parents are welcome to join us!  If you cannot make the 9:15am Mass, Saint James Church will also hold Masses at 8:00 am, 12:05 pm, and 6:00 pm.

SJS Basketball Playoff Games

Congratulations to the Saint James School Boys JV Gold basketball team (6th grade), on winning their Deanery playoff games on both Friday and Saturday.   They will play in the Deanery championship game tonight vs. St. Gabriel’s, at Corpus Christi at 7:00PM.  This team is also moving on to the state playoffs (top 4 teams in […]

Survey Thank You

Thank you again to all of our families who took the time to fill out our recent SJS parent survey(s).  Mrs. Kanute, Father Cavanaugh, and our school board chair  (Nicholas Roy) have read through all the comments and feedback and are grateful for your time and input.  We have been summarizing the items commonly mentioned […]

Basketball Playoff Games

The Saint James School girls’ varsity team will play Saint Paul tonight (2/23) at Saint Bridget in Manchester beginning at 6:00pm.  If they win, they will play at 11:00am at Saint Bridget on Saturday, 2/25. The Saint James School boys JV team (6th grade) will play Saint Paul tomorrow night (2/24) at Saint Paul in […]

Art/Book Club Reminder

Attached is the permission slip for the next Book/Art Club with Mrs. Sabatella & Mrs. Carpenter.  The next session will be held on Wednesday, March 1st after school for students in grades 1-3.  Forms and fees are due back to the school by Monday, February 27th.  Spots will be filled on a first come, first […]

No School Tomorrow: February Break

As a reminder, there will be no school tomorrow, Friday (2/17), and next Monday and Tuesday (2/20, 2/21) for the school’s February recess.  School will resume on Wednesday, 2/22.  Please remember, if you have not already done so, you can subscribe to our special calendar of no-school/half-days by clicking HERE.