Entries by Saint James School

12:05pm Dismissal & Dress Down Tomorrow

Please remember that tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/26) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Students going to aftercare tomorrow will need a lunch from home. Tomorrow is also a dress down day to reward the school community for supporting the gala with their time and generosity (all students may participate).

Please Make A Call In Support of Catholic Education

Please take two minutes of your time to help voice support for legislature that supports Catholic Education in the state of Connecticut.  Fortunately the  call Rep. Rojas & Sen. Cassano and ask them to “support Senate Bill 1012 – corporate tax credits for scholarships to nonpublic schools.”  Rep. Rojas is House Chair of the Finance […]

Next Year’s Calendar

We are working on finalizing the school calendar for next year, but wanted to give parents a heads up that we will likely be starting school on August 31st, which is a few days in advance of the Manchester Public Schools.  We will have bus service for K-8 Manchester residents beginning on our first day […]

Father/Daughter Dance Pictures

There will be a photographer at the Father/Daughter dance Saturday evening taking pictures.  Should you wish to purchase pictures, the flyer is attached for your information.  Please note, you may prepay for pictures online ahead of time, or you may purchase them at the dance. Saint James Father Daughter Dance Picture Flyer

Gym Uniform

As a clarification, students should only be wearing the white or gray short-sleeve uniform shirt on gym days, not shirts that were sold as spiritwear for the school or a particular school sport.  Gym pants/shorts may be the SJS sports-related spiritwear (otherwise, they must be plain navy).