Entries by Saint James School

2016 Drama Club Show

Please click THIS LINK to view a (slightly condensed) video of last week’s evening drama club performance.  The link has been posted on our Facebook page for anyone that may want to share with family and friends (https://www.facebook.com/SJSManchesterCT/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf).

Mass Thursday

Saint James students will attend Mass this Thursday for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  All SJS parents/grandparents are welcome to join us! All students should wear their regular winter uniform tomorrow due to the Mass.

Christmas Concert Tonight

Just a reminder that tonight – Wednesday, December 7th – is the annual Saint James School Christmas Concert featuring the Saint James School bands as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students. The evening concert will begin at 6:30pm and is for parents and friends of the school. Performer Arrival Times & […]

Instrumental Music News

All bands will rehearse on Tuesday,  Dec 6th, starting with the Regional Band students at 7:30 AM.  The Christmas Concert is Wednesday Dec 7th at 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Students will wear their school uniforms for the daytime concert. Evening concert attire for band students is a white shirt and black dress pants (or […]