Entries by Saint James School

Chipotle Dine-Out Tonight

The Saint James School HSA is hosting a Dine-Out Night at Chipotle (48 Hale Road, Manchester) today (2/12) from 4:00pm – 8:00pm.  Show your server the attached flyer and 50% of proceeds will be donated back to Saint James School!  As always, we thank you for your support! Chipotle Dine-Out Flyer Click HERE to like […]

$1.00 Valentine’s Dress Down Day TOMORROW (Tuesday)

Saint James School will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 13th due to Ash Wednesday falling on February 14th this year. On Tuesday, students may dress down in Valentine colors for a $1.00 donation, with proceeds being donated to Protectors of Animals – a no-kill, volunteer-run animal shelter in East Hartford.

St. Patrick’s Parade

Saint James School has been invited to take part in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hartford!! We are hoping to build a float for the event and are looking for parents that would be willing to help with the construction and design. We are also looking to get a feel for who would be […]

Essays Due Tomorrow: Drama Club 2018

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Glen Nicholes has volunteered to lead the Saint James School Drama Club this year.  Drama club will meet on Thursdays after school beginning March 1st and will meet for 12 sessions. This year’s drama club will have a different format from previous years.  There will be not be […]

Lost & Found Reminder

A table has been set up in the SJS breezeway with unclaimed items left around the school.  If you think your child may be missing items, please stop by the lost and found table in the breezeway hall at drop off or pickup.  Anyone missing: Size 9.5 school shoes?  A basketball cinch sack? A pink […]

4th & 5th Grade Basketball Finals

The Saint James Gym was buzzing this past Saturday morning, as the three Saturday league 4th and 5th Grade Boys team were battling for the League Championship trophy. The White Team,  led by Coaches Eric and EJ Kincheloe pulled away from the Blue team Coached by Dave Chomick with a big crowd in attendance to […]

Last Call: Mother/Son Event

This year’s Saint James School Mother/Son Event will be a trip to a UCONN Men’s Game on Sunday, February 25th. The absolute final deadline to RSVP (using the form below) is this coming Monday, February 12th. Mother Son UConn Game

School Mass This Sunday @ 9am

Please join us at Saint James Church this Sunday, February 11th at 9:00am for our monthly Saint James School Mass.  Saint James students will be serving in many capacities including altar servers, readers, and gift bearers.  And, our Saint James School Choir will also be singing!  A reception in the lower church will follow the […]