Entries by Saint James School

Junior Achievement

Thank you to all the UCONN student volunteers who brought the Junior Achievement program to Saint James School today. Through Junior Achievement, our K-8th grade students spend an entire day working on basic concepts of business and economics at an age-appropriate level.  Each grade has a specific “curriculum” the facilitators present in addition to bringing […]

SJS 2nd Grade Student Wins CT State Handwriting Competition

We are excited to announce that Jason Miller, a student in Mrs. LaMarche’s 2nd grade class was named a 2018 state of Connecticut winner in Zaner-Bloser’s annual handwriting competition!! Mrs. Zorger – along with Jason’s parents – surprised him with the award this morning after announcements.  The contest recognizes two students per grade – one […]

Hit, Pitch, Run Contest

The Knights of Columbus Council 1155 in Manchester is sponsoring its 3rd annual Hit, Pitch, & Run event to be held at Illing Middle School on May 5th from 1 to 5 PM.  Registration is from 1 to 1:30 PM.  The competition is open to boys and girls aged 7 through 14.  Winners for Pitching, […]

Art Show Tomorrow Evening!

The annual Saint James School Art Show & Ice Cream Social (for parents/grandparents/students/Siblings) will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, April 18th, from  6:30pm – 8:00pm.  Please be sure to stop in to enjoy all the amazing works of art done by our Pre-K through 8th Grade students and enjoy some frozen treats!