Entries by Saint James School

Admin Professionals Day

Today we celebrated our awesome front desk secretary, Mrs. Sager, for administrative professionals’ day with songs, gifts, flowers, and cards.  Thank you to Mrs. Panciera and Mrs. Zorger for snapping these impromptu pictures of the kids dropping off gifts from the classrooms.

State Spelling Bee Winners!

A Huge Congratulations to our two Saint James School students who had advanced to the State Spelling Bee competition (which was held this past weekend): ** 6th grader Isabel T. took 1st place in the state competition for the 6th grade category! ** 5th grader Christian T. took 2nd place/runner up in the state competition […]

Mid-Term Progress Check

Please note, our Mid-Term Progress Check for the 3rd trimester has been moved to May 4th to account for the snow days and incremental days added to our school year.  Teachers will reach out to you if there are academic concerns for your child/ren.

2018-2019 One Page Calendar

Attached please find the calendar for the 2018-2019 school year.  The first day of school for K – 8 will be August 30th (12:05pm dismissal day, aftercare will be in session), Pre-K will formally start August 31st.  We will be updating our online/website calendar with these dates shortly.  A copy of this one page document […]