Entries by Saint James School

Christmas Concert Tonight

As a reminder, Wednesday – December 6th – is the annual Saint James School Christmas Concert featuring the Saint James School bands and Choir as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students. In addition to a daytime performance for students, there will also be an evening concert at 6:30pm tonight for parents, […]

Thoughts for Advent Season

As we begin the season of Advent we thought the following short article, containing ways to celebrate Advent at home, might be of interest to you:  https://catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/2017/11/six-ways-to-celebrate-advent-at-home/ There is also a good website called “The Best Advent Ever” from DynamicCatholic.com that you may wish to explore. Wishing you and your family all the best this […]

December Saber Stories

Please take a few moments to review the December Saber Stories newsletter from Mrs. Zorger (please note, there the addition of the Children’s Christmas Eve Mass on December 24th on the calendar section). December 2017 Saber Stories  

1st Graders Perform Word Surgery

Yesterday, first grade students enjoyed a lesson on contractions…with a fun twist.  Wearing cool surgical masks and official doctor badges, students performed surgery on words such as “Can Not” and “You Will” to turn them into contractions.  After removing the unnecessary parts, the patients (i.e. the contractions) were put back together using a bandage and […]

1st Grade Daises

An FYI for parents from Mrs. DesRocher, the 1st grade Daisies will meet tomorrow 2:15-3:30pm, followed by their investiture ceremony at 3:30-4:00pm in the room above Pre-k.

XC Uniforms

We still have a few students that have not returned their cross country uniform.  Please bring it to the office tomorrow.  There is a charge for uniforms that are not returned in good condition.

Radio Commercials – Help Us Spread The Word

Saint James School is looking for a couple of parents and students who would be willing to travel to Prospect, Connecticut in January to record commercials/testimonials on behalf of Saint James School for the Archdiocese of Hartford’s radio station WJMJ (88.9 FM – Hartford).  The spots will air (free of charge!) throughout the latter half […]