Entries by Saint James School

Special Morning Drop-off

A huge Thank You to the Manchester Police Department for donating “a ride to school in a police car” to our 2018 SJS Gala.   This morning, the winning family – 2nd Grader Samantha R. and her parents – cashed in on their prize.  Not only did Samantha and her parents arrive at the school in […]

Last Call: Staff Appreciation Luncheon Donations

In keeping with tradition, the SJS Home & School Association will organize a luncheon for the St. James School staff, as a  special way for our school community to show gratitude to the teachers, administrators, and staff for all they do for our children! Instead of asking families to provide specific items, we are asking […]

Instrumental Music Notices

Mr. Corcoran would like to remind students that permission slips for the band field trip are due Thursday. The office has extras if someone needs one.  Also, please note, this Thursday –  May 17 – all students will have lessons and band (grades 4-8).

Dot and Dash Robots

Our elementary students are having so much fun working with the new Dot and Dash Robots. Using a simple coding program on the school’s iPads, students are learning to program these little blue robots to perform a huge variety of commands. Here are some pictures we snapped today of Mrs. Moran’s 3rd graders working in […]

Sports Banquet Tickets

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the SJS Sports Banquet being held tomorrow evening (Tuesday).  This is always a fun event and we look forward to recognizing our student athletes.  Please note, each Family’s Banquet Admission Tickets will be sent home with your student athlete this afternoon.  Please bring the ticket with you […]

SJS Soccer Location Change

Due to the expected rain arriving early Saturday morning (and the anticipated closing of Charter Oak Park by the Town of Manchester to protect their fields) all Saturday May 12 games will be played indoors at Star Hill Athletic Center in Tolland.  Star Hill is located at 100 Gerber Dr. Tolland, Ct. 06084  Phone: 860-871-8800. […]

Book & Art Club Pictures

Thank you again to Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Sabatella for another fun Book & Art Club this past Wednesday afternoon.  The group read a book about Masks from around the world, then the kids designed their own masks with markers, stickers, and glitter glue. Here are a few pictures that Mrs. Carpenter sent in:   […]