Entries by Saint James School

School Bus Clarification

There may be some confusion as to what was printed in the recent Saber Stories about school bus transportation that we wanted to clear up: 1) If your child currently utilizes the school bus to and from home and you are still at the same address, you DO NOT need to do anything for the […]

WSJ Article – “The Catholic School Difference”

Here is an article from the Fordham Institute regarding the research and findings June 2018: Last week, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal – called “The Catholic School Difference” – discussing a study about the lasting, positive benefits of structure and self-discipline in our Nation’s Catholic schools.  Here are some of the […]

2017-2018 Yearbooks For Sale

Yearbooks are on their way! If you did not order a yearbook, but would like to purchase one now, we will have a limited amount of yearbooks that can still be purchased.  They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Please send $25 cash or check (payable to Saint James School) in […]

Chromebook Return Reminder

Chromebooks will be collected from the 7th grade students tomorrow (Friday, 6/15). Please make sure students bring their Chromebook AND power cable to school. Covers should be removed from the Chromebook before they turn it in.

Staff Update

As you may have read in the latest edition of Saber Stories, we have a few staff members who will be retiring (or relocating) at the end of this school year.  We are excited to announce that Mrs. St. Jean will be taking over as the Pre-Kindergarten director, replacing Sandy Valentine who is retiring after […]

Chromebook Return Reminder

Chromebooks will be collected from the 6th grade students tomorrow (Thursday, 6/14) and from the 7th grade students on Friday (6/15).  Please make sure students bring their Chromebook AND power cable to school on the scheduled collection day.  Covers should be removed from the Chromebook before they turn it in.