Entries by Saint James School

Basketball Program & Spiritwear

Below is a summary of all Basketball Open Gym dates, Tryout dates, and Meeting Dates.  All dates have been added to the SJS Calendar:  Boys Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE;  Girls Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE. SJS Basketball October 2018 Summary of Events Basketball Spiritwear Below please find the 2018-2019 Basketball Spiritwear Order […]

Student Volunteers For Ordination Mass

Mrs. Zorger will attend the Episcopal Ordination of The Most Reverend Juan Miguel Betancourt as the Titular Bishop of Curzola and Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph next Thursday, October 18th. Saint James School has also received an invitation for three of our students to attend the Ordination Mass.  The attending […]

Parking at Afternoon Pickup

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind you to please share with anyone picking up your children, the information detailed in her email from Tuesday (October 2nd) about parking.  We still have a number of people (mostly grandparents it seems) parking in areas clearly marked with street signs as “no parking” or “no parking between 1:00pm […]

Wickham Park Invitational Tomorrow

Best of luck to our grade 6 – 8 runners participating in tomorrow’s Wickham Park Invitational!  Runners should arrive at the park by 8:00am to stretch and walk the course. Boys’ race is at 9:00am, Girls’ race begins at at 9:25am.  Go Sabers!  

Basketball Program Overview & Spiritwear

  October Open Gym/Tryout Schedule As a reminder, our first Open Gym will be held today (Friday) after school for 6th grade boys interested in playing Basketball this year.  The 2018-2019 Athletic Health Form must have been submitted to the SJS office in order for students to participate in Open Gyms – no exceptions. Below […]

Thank You!

  A Huge Thank You to Mrs. Toomey for organizing the Middle School event at Jump Off in Manchester on Tuesday evening!  Despite the crazy weather, there was a great turn out and the kids had a ton of fun.  

Attention 6th Grade Parents

Attention 6th Grade Parents:  Please ask your child for the information coming home with them today about a Math Club being organized by a 6th grade parent for 6th grade students.  The form is due back tomorrow for students that will be participating.

October Newsletters

Please read the October Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger for important notes and reminders. October Saber Stories Please also review the October HSA Newsletter to learn about upcoming events, meetings, and school fundraisers. Oct 2018 HSA Happenings

Middle School Event Tonight!

  Middle School Parent Volunteers will be hosting a special “drop off” event for SJS Middle School students (grades 6 – 8 only) at Jump Off in Manchester this evening (October 2nd) from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  We hope to see you!  Please view the attached flyer for details.  In addition, 25% of the proceeds will […]