Entries by Saint James School

5th Grade Book Report

Fifth grade students are in the process of finalizing their first book report of the year (historical fiction).  Today during library Mrs. Carpenter had each student share a synopsis of their book, whether or not they enjoyed the story, and if they would recommend the book to a friend.  Great job Sabers!

4th & 5th Grade Boys Basketball

As a reminder for parents of 4th & 5th grade boys, this Sunday (October 21st) there will be an open gym from 1:00pm – 3:00pm, after which time teams will be set for the season (all boys interested in playing will be put on a team, regardless of skill level).  If you son will be […]

Music Teacher & Choir Cancelled This Week

We regret to inform you that Mrs. Corcoran has had to resign her position as the general music teacher at Saint James School due to unforeseen circumstances.  We are currently looking for another teacher to fill this position and to head up our school’s choir.  Please note that choir practice will be cancelled for this […]

Grades Online (4th – 8th Grade)

As we approach our first Trimester Mid-Term (Friday), just a reminder that parents of students in grades 4th – 8th can go online and check their students’ grades.  Each family has a unique id to go on and view their student’s work.  All 4th graders and all new students in grade 5th – 8th should […]

Uniform Clarification

As a reminder, students must begin wearing the Winter Uniform (a.k.a. our “Formal Uniform”) on November 1st.  This means no more shorts for any students (even on gym day) and middle school boys must wear the button down oxford and tie. Please note, however, as the temperatures become colder this week, all students are welcome […]

McGee Invitational

Congratulations to all our runners who represented Saint James school at the 27th Annual McGee Invitational at Sage Park in Berlin this past weekend.  The top 20 finishers in each event received a medal.   6th grade girls: Maya Fisher – 9th place out of 58 runners Sammy Creamer – 15th place 6th grade boys: […]

Afternoon Pick-up In Gym Today

Beginning Monday, we will be back in the gym for afternoon pick-up of our Walkers (2:05pm parent/caregiver pick-up) group. For families new to the K-8 school this year, we will follow the exact same pick-up format that we have been doing outside – except inside our gymnasium.  For returning families, we are going back to […]

Last Call: Aftercare Reminder

Ms. Jean would like to remind families using the Extended Day program that they must select the “full-time” or “part-time” program by October 15th.  Please assess your Extended Day program usage and let Ms. Jean know if you wish to change the program you signed up for.  After the grace period, you will be unable […]

Basketball Update & Spiritwear Reminder

There is a Parents’ meeting for any boys interested in playing Basketball this year (Grades 4-8) this coming Monday, October 15th at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria.  All boys basketball parents are strongly encouraged to attend, and players are welcome to attend as well. The Parents’ meeting for girls interested in playing Basketball (Grades 4-8) will […]