Entries by Saint James School

Coding Robots Joining SJS

After April break, students in 1st – 4th grade will begin working with the “Dot” & “Dash” coding robots.  The school has purchased 8 sets of robots, and the related coding applications for the classroom iPads.  Teachers have been spending time with these new “friends” getting ready to roll them out to the students. Here […]

SJS Soccer Update

The SJS Soccer season has a “tentative” start date of April 14.  This is dependent on the weather and enough players being available during vacation.  Communication may be a little difficult during vacation week so information on you child’s games will probably come directly from the team coaches.   The coaches will ask you if your […]

NED Show Yo Yo Tricks & Info

Thank you to everyone who has supported the NED Kindness program by purchasing a Yo Yo.  There have been a few requests for the trick instructions in a printable format (instead of video).  Those documents are attached below. NEDs Six Tricks String Adjusting Instructions

School Mass Tomorrow

There will be a school-wide Mass tomorrow morning at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  As always, parents are welcome to attend (please sit in the back few pews). Please note, students that have gym tomorrow should come to school in their REGULAR uniform.  Gym uniforms may be brought to change into if they will be […]

Sports Banquet – Save the Date

Please save the date: the annual SJS Sports Banquet – for students that ran cross country, played JV or Varsity basketball (all girls & boys grades 6-8), or will be playing soccer this year – will be held on Tuesday, May 15th from 5:30pm – 8:00pm at the East Catholic High School cafeteria.  An informational […]

NED Show Yo Yos

Yesterday our students in grades K-6 were treated to a fun assembly called “The NED Show.” NED is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best.  This show was provided to our school at no charge because it works on a pay-it-forward basis. You can help support the show’s mission to spread […]