Entries by Saint James School

Basketball Spiritwear

Monday morning is the absolute last day to get basketball spiritwear orders in to Mrs. Sager.  We know there were a few requests for an extension at the Girls’ parent’s meeting last night.

Please use the Crossing Guards

As a safety reminder, after you leave the gym or Pre-K with your child/ren at afternoon dismissal time, please use the crosswalks and crossing guards when crossing streets.  We are very fortunate to have these town-funded employees at our school to ensure students and parents are safe during high-traffic times of day.  Please be sure […]

Basketball: Grade 4 Girls Open Gym & Reminders

Grade 4 girls interested in playing Basketball for SJS this year will have an open gym on Wednesday, October 24th from 4:15-5:30pm.  Please remember the health form (signed by the child’s doctor) must be submitted to the school well in advance of the Open Gym date.  The date has been added to our SJS Website […]

Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Forms Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, RSVPs for grandparents & special persons’ guests for our K – 5 students is due back by tomorrow – Friday, October 19th. GRANDPARENTS Day Permission Slip Middle school students may be dismissed with their younger sibling’s grandparent/special person.  Please write a note to the homeroom teacher informing them of the early dismissal […]

Book & Art Club

Please find below the permission slips for the next book and art club sessions: Book Art Club Permission Slip for Nov 14th Session (Gr 3 & 4)   Book Art Club Permission Slip Nov 7th Session  (Grades 1 & 2) Please note, November 7th is an early dismissal day, but juice and snacks will be […]

Uniform Sales Start Today!

As a reminder students will be required to wear their “Winter/Formal” uniform beginning November 1.  If you need to order additional items,  Lands End’s 40% off sale and Dennis Uniform’s 15% off sale both start today.  Please see the flyers below for details. October Fall Savings Flyer Dennis Uniform LE Customer Appreciation Event

Halloween $1.00 Dress Down

In keeping with the fun spirit of Halloween, students may pay $1.00 to come to school in dress down attire on Halloween –  Wednesday, October 31st.  Dress down attire should be black, orange, white, and/or purple. NO masks, costumes (except K and Pre-K), painted faces, or colored hair.  All dress down attire must meet our […]

Message From our Tuition Manager

Anyone wishing to use funds from their CHET accounts to pay for tuition will need to contact their CHET account administrator and ask if they allow 3rd party withdrawals (in our case this would be FACTS as we do not collect tuition at the school). If they do, then you will want to contact FACTS […]

Basketball Reminders

Thursday (October 18th): 1) Girl’s Basketball (Grades 5-8) Open Gym 4:30-6:30pm; 2) Parents’ meeting for girls interested in playing Basketball (Grades 4-8) at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. All girl’s basketball parents are strongly encouraged to attend, and players are welcome to attend as well; 3) 8th Grade Boys Open Gym 6:30pm-8:00pm. Friday (October 19th) 6th […]