Entries by Saint James School

New: Join the SJS STEM Club

We are excited to announce that Mrs. Poth is starting an after school STEM Club for SJS students! The first club will be held on Monday, January 28 from 2:15-3:15pm.  In this session, students will practice coding skills using Dash and Dot robots.  This session is open to 3rd and 4th graders only and is […]

Varsity Basketball Games Tonight

The Girls Varsity basketball team will play St. Bridget At St. Bridget tonight at 6:30pm, followed by the Boys Varsity Gold playing (also at St. Bridget) at 7:30pm.  Our boys Varsity Blue team (7th grade) will play at St. Timothy in West Hartford tonight at 7:00pm.  Go Sabers!!

Early Dismissal Tomorrow (Wednesday)

As a reminder, tomorrow – Wednesday (1/16) – is an early dismissal day (12:05pm) as teachers will be participating in an afternoon workshop.  Aftercare WILL be in session on Wednesday, however please remember that students will need to bring a lunch from home (no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days). In addition, please […]

No Parking at St. Mary’s Church Please

As a reminder, please do NOT park in the St. Mary’s Church lot (and please share with anyone who picks up/drops off your child(ren).  They have noticed that SJS parents are still utilizing their parking lot.  Please park in the St. James Church lot, the main school lot, or on streets in areas where parking […]