Instrumental Music Notice
Tomorrow (March 12th) and Tuesday, March 19th there will be lessons and band for students in grades 6-8. Please remind your child to bring their instrument to school on Tuesday.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Saint James School contributed a whooping 5383 entries.
Tomorrow (March 12th) and Tuesday, March 19th there will be lessons and band for students in grades 6-8. Please remind your child to bring their instrument to school on Tuesday.
February Aftercare Statements will be available from Ms. Jean this afternoon. Please stop down to get yours at yours today or early next week.
As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow – Friday, March 8th – as SJS staff will be at an offsite conference.
As a reminder, Saint James School will have early dismissal days (12:05pm) March 20nd and March 21st for Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences. Spring Conferences are OPTIONAL. If you would like a conference with your child’s teacher, please use the links below to sign up. Please note, all parents should sign up with the child’s homeroom teacher, […]
With the arrival of the Lenten season, we would like to take the opportunity to offer our families some ideas that can help spark conversations and strengthen the spirituality of your household. Each week of Lent, we will be offering a Scripture passage, Lenten quotation, or prayer activity for your family to share together. We […]
Due to Monday’s snow day, Student Council will meet tomorrow (Thursday) after school until 2:45pm. If your child can’t make this meeting due to the date change, please know that is okay.
The due date for raffle baskets items (or cash to purchase items) has been moved to Thursday, March 7th. Thank you for your contribution to this important fundraising initiative.
As a reminder, the second trimester ends tomorrow, Thursday, March 7th. Report cards will be sent home with students next Friday, March 15th.
Congratulations to our latest winner of the Box Tops Dress Down Contest: Fifth grade with 498 Box Tops! The students counted 1,140 total Box Tops yesterday. We will be counting for the last time this school year on April 30th.