Entries by Saint James School

Soccer Updates

Parents should be on the lookout for soccer updates from the coaches tonight/tomorrow morning. Games, times and locations may be changed due to the weather.  As a reminder, the current schedule is as follows: VARSITY: FRIDAY APR. 26: 06:00pm C/Oak-2  St. Martha vs St. James-Pearl   SATURDAY APR. 27: VARSITY:  08:00am C/Oak-1 St. James-Cobalt vs St. Paul-Gold […]

Tuition Assistance Applications

If you will be applying for Financial Aid for the 2019-2020 school year, please note that you should be starting the process through FACTS now.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mayo at dmayo@saintjamesschool.net or 860.643.5088 (select option 7 on the main menu).

Extended Day For Next School Year

  Please remember that families must re-register for Extended Day each school year.  Below is the required extended day paperwork for the 2019-2020 school year: Extended Day Registration Form 2019-2020 Extended Day Emergency Contact Information 2019-2020

School Mass TOMORROW

Tomorrow, students in grades K – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am.  Archbishop Mansell will be celebrating Mass with us. All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend (please sit in the back few rows of pews). Students who have GYM tomorrow will need to wear their regular uniform to school (shorts & polo […]