Entries by Saint James School

Cross Country Reminder

Students wishing to run Cross Country this year cannot start with the team on Tuesday unless we have their health form signed by the doctor. 2019-2020 Cross Country Information: Parents of students in grades 5 – 8 running cross country, please read the attached notice from Coach O’Neill that was sent out over the summer. […]

Arrival Bells

For students in the K-8 program, this year our first bell will ring at 7:50am, at which time students are expected to be at school and lining up with their teacher to walk to the classroom.  The 7:55am bell is considered the Tardy bell.  Students arriving after 7:55am will be marked as Tardy. Please remember […]

Back to School Mass Tomorrow (Grades 1-8)

Tomorrow, students in grades 1 – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am. All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend (please sit in the back few rows of pews – not with the students). Students who have GYM on Fridays will need to wear their regular uniform to school tomorrow (no gym uniforms […]

Hot Lunch Tomorrow

Students in grades 1-8 have the option to begin buying hot lunch tomorrow.  They must have a positive balance in their lunch account to purchase hot lunch, or have money from home. Hot lunch prices for the 2019-2020 school year will be as follows: Grades 1-6 – $2.45 Grades 7-8 – $2.70 Please remind your […]

Saint James School Daily Email

Please be sure to add our e-mail to your address book so you will receive emails from the school.  If you would like to add another email address to receive these notifications, please click HERE to subscribe.  If you wish to unsubscribe an e-mail, please use the link at the bottom or email aguenther@saintjamesschool.net. Everything […]

Office Hours Tuesday/Wed

As a reminder from last week’s email, all staff will be offsite for meetings tomorrow and Wednesday so office hours will be limited to the following: *Tuesday, August 27th: 1:00pm – 3:00pm; *Wednesday, August 28th: 2:00pm – 3:00pm