Entries by Saint James School

2019-2020 Basketball and Cheerleading

The Saint James School 2019-2020 Basketball and Cheer season will begin in early October.  Below is some important information for students in grades 4-8 wishing to participate: Basketball The following basketball Open Gym sessions have already been scheduled (additional Open Gyms will be communicated shortly): GIRLS in grades 5 – 8: October 8th from 5:00pm […]

1st Grade Science

Our 1st graders completed their science lesson on apples (seeds/roots/trees) today by making applesauce to share.  This also ties in with their recent science lessons on the 5 senses, as they talked about taste, touch, smell, and sight with respect to apples.

Pre-K Fun!

Writing fall words, making cinnamon stick birthday cake in the sensory table, building TALL structures, and celebrating September birthdays!  It’s been a great week in Pre-K!

Trunk or Treat Coordinator Still Needed

Trunk or Treat will be here before you know it! The HSA is still in need of someone to Chair this event for our school (you will have plenty of helpers and guidance throughout the process). Please email HSA president Jodi Talaga at jtalaga94@gmail.com if you are interested/able to help.

Book Fair Update

Thank you to all our families who purchased books at our Scholastic Book Fair!  So far we have earned approximately $4,500 in book credits that will be used to purchase new books for our school library and classroom libraries!  (total sales of over $9,000!!) If there are still purchases you wish to make, our ONLINE […]

Early Dismissal Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow – Thursday (9/26) – is a 12:05pm dismissal day.   In addition, there is no school next Tuesday, October 1st, as all teachers will be at a Diocesan-wide professional learning conference. NO Hot Lunch is served on 12:05pm dismissal days.  If your child is going to aftercare tomorrow, they will need […]

Congratulations to Father Cavanaugh & Our 2019 HOPES Award Winners

Last night, leaders and volunteers from across the Archdiocese of Hartford came together at the 2019 HOPES Awards dinner, to recognize selected volunteers who support our students, teachers, and faculty in making Catholic schools, like SJS, such exceptional institutions. We are very excited to announce, at last night’s event, our Pastor, Father Cavanaugh, was presented […]

Tonight: Meet the Teachers Pre-K – 5th Grade

Grades Pre-K through 5th This evening, Wednesday, September 25th, we will host our annual Meet the Teachers Night for Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade families. Families with students in these grades are invited to drop in between the hours of 6:00pm and 7:30pm to chat with the teachers, check out the classroom, etc. Students (and siblings) […]

Last Call: Scholastic Book Fair

As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day for the Scholastic book fair.  Students may make last minute purchases first thing in the morning, then volunteers will be breaking everything down. Our book fair will also be available ONLINE through 9/28: https://shop.scholastic.com/parent-ecommerce/parent-store-2.html?fairId=3978858. All books ordered online will be shipped directly to your home and any […]