Entries by Saint James School

Singers Wanted for Flag Day Ceremony

A HUGE congratulations to SJS 7th grader Ava Fiereck on winning the Americanism Essay contest sponsored by the Manchester Elks Lodge! This year’s theme was, “ What the Bill of Rights Means to Me.” Ava will be reading her essay at the Elks’ Flag Day Ceremony on June 14th along with one of her peers […]

Grade 4 Sea Creature Reports

SJS 4th grade students recently finished researching and writing a report on an assigned sea creature, along with creating a model of their animal using recyclable materials and/or craft-related items. Yesterday, 4th graders spent the afternoon presenting an overview of their research to students in the younger grades, including our pre-k4 students.

Congratulations Father Marcin!

This Thursday, May 9th, our Pastor, Father Marcin, will celebrate the 15th anniversary of his Ordination as a Priest.  Please join us in thanking Father Marcin for his devoted service to God’s people and praying for his continued spiritual growth, physical well-being, and mental strength.