Happy Veterans’ Day
Happy Veterans’ Day to all those who have served and continue to serve our Country!
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Saint James School contributed a whooping 5359 entries.
Happy Veterans’ Day to all those who have served and continue to serve our Country!
Due to the public schools being closed tomorrow — Wednesday, November 11th — for Veterans’ Day, Saint James School will not have hot lunch available tomorrow. All students will need to bring a lunch and drink from home tomorrow.
This week Saint James School is joining our peers from across the region in celebrating the many benefits of Catholic education. We hope you enjoy this short video showing footage from the past few weeks showing why we love SJS! #CSW21 https://youtu.be/rfeVBzDjWes
This is a republish from a few weeks ago but we wanted to share this again with our families: As we continue to best meet the educational needs for all our students, we have determined that some clarifications regarding protocols for attendance and reporting of absences is necessary. This includes all students — those who […]
As a reminder, every student should be bringing a water bottle with them to school each day. The water fountains are shut off, with the exception of the bottle filling capability.
If you do not wish to attend Mass in person this weekend, below is the link for the Saint James Parish Mass for Sunday, November 8th, 2020. https://youtu.be/yf62PqCe39A
As a reminder, while you are on Saint James School property, to ensure everyone’s safety, masks are required. Even outside at arrival or dismissal time, we are still in close contact and are trying to be exceptionally vigilant for the health and safety of our staff and students. Also, as a reminder, at dismissal – […]
Today our Pre-K3s participated in a special election – Peppa Pig vs. Pete the Cat. Pete the Cat won!
As part of their Life Science course work, 7th grade students constructed a 3-dimensional model of a plant cell or an animal cell. Students had to creatively represent the cell organelles….
Please read the November Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger. Saber Stories November 2020 Also attached below is the November Events Calendar and November Lunch Menu. SJS Lunch Menu – November SJS Events Calendar November 2020