Entries by Saint James School

Last Call: Yearbook Orders

For our pre-k through grade 7 families:  The portal for ordering yearbooks will remain open through tonight.  Visit https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks#affiliate and search for Saint James School in Manchester, Connecticut to order.  

3/27 Open House Cancelled

With most of our grades already near or at capacity for next year based on returning student registrations plus new student applications, we have opted to cancel the Open House that was scheduled for this Thursday evening and, instead, conduct personal tours as needed.  If you know of anyone that is considering SJS for their […]

A Note From Mrs. Zorger

Today, your K-8 student(s) will be bringing home their 2nd trimester report card.  It’s hard to believe that two-thirds of our school year is already complete! As a reminder, the report card envelope must be signed and returned to the school early next week (keep the report card itself at home). As you and your […]

Guest Readers

As part of our month long Read Across America reading initiatives, on Wednesday our kindergarten – 3rd grade students were treated to some special guest readers from the Manchester community! …

Due Tomorrow: 2024-2025 Yearbook Orders

There are two ways to order: 1. Online.  To order online, visit https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks#affiliate and search for Saint James School in Manchester, Connecticut. 2. By Order Form. Complete the order form that was sent home with your student and return it with payment (checks payable to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish with SJS Yearbook on the memo […]

Class Baskets

Room parents are beginning to collect items for the 2025 Class Baskets, which are raffled off as part of our annual Gala & Auction Fundraiser. If you haven’t yet received an informational email from your child’s room parent, you can expect to see it early this week. For those who aren’t familiar with this part […]

New Uniform Company

With the recent closure of Dennis Uniforms, we are excited to announce that Tommy Hilfiger Uniforms will now join Lands’ End as a designated vendor for ordering your students’ Saint James School uniforms. You can view our approved uniform items from Tommy Hilfiger here: https://www.globalschoolwear.com/school/STJA07.  Families may begin ordering from this new site effective immediately. […]