Entries by Saint James School

End of Year Reminder

If you didn’t get a chance to sign up for a time to drop-off and pick-up items at the school, please use this link to access Tuesday’s informational post: https://saintjamesschool.net/end-of-year-update/. Also, the end of year parade on Thursday, June 11th will be from 10:00am – 11:00am.  Details on this can also be found by accessing […]

SpaceX Launch Scheduled For Today

The SpaceX Shuttle is expected to launch from Kennedy Space Station in Florida today at 4:33pm today.  It will likely be broadcast on many TV news channels, but you can also watch pre-launch coverage (as well as the actual launch) on the NASA Live website: NASA Website.

End of Year Update

With Memorial Day now behind us, we wanted to share some of the plans that we have in place to wrap up this very unique school year. First and foremost, we are looking forward to graduating our school’s 94th class of Grade 8 students on Friday, June 5th.  We are proud to be able to […]

SJS Wednesday Spirit Day – Disney

Tomorrow we will continue with our Mid-Week Distance Learning Spirit Day, with tomorrow’s theme being DISNEY DAY!   We would love to see your student doing their distance learning as a prince, princesses, or pirate, in a Disney-themed Costume, or in Mickey/Minnie ears.   Please send pictures to aguenther@saintjamesschool.net by 1:00pm on Wednesday, May 27th […]

Tips on Social Emotional Learning: Optimistic Thinking

  As we close out another week of distance learning, we wanted to share some additional resources that might be of interest on Social and Emotional Skills – the tools children (and adults) use to understand and manage emotions, social interactions, and every day emotional responses.  Developing and nurturing these skills in our children can […]

Ascension Thursday

Today we celebrate Ascension Thursday, the day Jesus ascended into Heaven to take his seat at the right hand of God, 40 days after the Resurrection.  During the forty-day period before he ascended into heaven, it is believed that Jesus preached and intermingled with his apostles and disciples. You will find the Biblical accounts of […]