Entries by Saint James School

St. James Virtual Mass

If you will not be attending Mass in person this weekend, you can view the St. James Parish virtual Mass for Sunday, January 10th using the link below (it will be available to view after 6am on Saturday). https://youtu.be/dr5WN888dg0

Important Reminders

Originally sent 1/7/21 A few important reminders as we head into the second half of the school year with COVID cases on the rise: COVID Exposure: * If someone in your household is awaiting the results of a COVID test, your children are required to switch to remote learning until test results are received (you […]

8th Graders Present Prototypes

During their STREAM classes, 8th grade students were tasked with creating a product not currently on the market that could be marketed to consumers.  After developing the concept and sketching it out on paper, students had to use the 3D Design Program Tinkercad to…

Return to Class & Remote Learner Pick-Up

At this time, we are on track for in-person learners to return to the classroom on Monday, January 11th. As noted above, before you come to school each day, please remember to take your child’s temperature and conduct a general health assessment.  If your child is not feeling well in any way (even if symptoms […]

Re-Take Photos Are In!

In-person learners who participated in picture re-takes will receive their photos on Monday.  With tomorrow being a Remote Learner pick-up day, remote learner families can pick up their photos tomorrow, Friday January 8th from 2:30p-4:30p outside of the gymnasium.  If your student is transitioning to in-person learning, they will receive their photos on Monday.

HSA Meeting Thursday

There will be a virtual HSA meeting this coming Thursday – January 7th – at 7:00pm. All SJS parents/guardians are welcome to join. Please use this link to join: Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75819165501?pwd=bWZpcC9zRU9XWU9CZTRmc0FsV3NjQT09 Meeting ID: 758 1916 5501 Passcode: kq2e7u