Entries by Saint James School

Reminder About Milk Purchases

As a reminder, if your child is purchasing just milk (to have with their lunch from home) there is a $0.40 charge.  It is only when students buy a full hot lunch that it is free, as per the terms of the “free lunch” grant from the state.  This was communicated when we announced the […]

Due Friday: CSW Collections for Manchester Manor

This week Saint James School is joining other Catholic Schools across the nation in celebrating Catholic Schools Week (CSW).  Since one of the many faucets of Catholic education is teaching about service to the community, one of our CSW activities is a collection of items for Manchester Manor.  Donations should be brought into school by […]

Tomorrow: Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dressdown

Tomorrow,  Wednesday 2/3, as part of our Catholic School’s Week celebrations, we will have a Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Day!  Students should come to school dressed in blue & gold attire or wear their favorite SJS spiritwear shirt/sweatshirt. Please remember, students must adhere to the all Saint James School dress down guidelines (noted […]