Entries by Saint James School

Staff Update: Middle School Music Teacher

Saint James School is pleased to welcome Mrs. Carally McKeever-DeLeon in the role of General Music Teacher for the Saint James Middle School program. Mrs. McKeever-DeLeon comes to us with a wealth of experience as an orchestra director, choral leader, and general music teacher at both the High School and Middle School level.  She has […]

Corrected Extended Day Forms

It has come to our attention that the font on the 2022-2023 Extended Day Forms is printing very small (when using the “fillable” option).  As such, please either hand-write the information or use the forms below instead when signing up for next year’s Extended Day program. Extended Day Emergency Contact Information 2022-2023 Extended Day Registration […]

Reminder: Catholic Schools Week

We are excited to celebrate our school community this week during National Catholic Schools Week!  Here are some of the important highlights for parents to keep in mind: Special Attire Days Friday, February 4: Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Day Students dress in school colors (Blue & Gold/Yellow) or any SJS Spiritwear item.  This […]

Catholic Schools Week Video

In honor of National Catholic Schools week, students were asked to write about why they like going to a Catholic School/Saint James School.  We had lots of volunteers willing to share their thoughts on camera.  Here are some of them:

Tie Dye & Tutu Spirit Day

As part of our Catholic Schools Week Celebrations and since today is 2-2-22, students (and staff) enjoyed a fun dress down day featuring Tie Dye & Tutus.  Lots of spirit in our Pre-K3 through 8th grade classes today!

Registration for Fall 2022

Returning family registration for the 2022-2023 school year was sent out earlier today.  All Pre-K3 through Grade 7 parents should have received an email with paperwork and instructions.  Please note that paperwork is due back by Thursday, February 17th to secure your child(ren)’s spot(s) for next year.  After February 17th, we will begin accepting/registering new […]

Reminder: Tie Dye & Tutu Day Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 2-2-22), students can wear their favorite Tutu to school in celebration of international Tutu day.  If wearing a tutu isn’t of interest to your student, this will also be a Tie Dye dress down day. Please note, this dress down day only applies if your student is wearing Tie Dye and/or a Tutu.  […]