Entries by Saint James School

HSA Meetings Next Week

There will be an evening HSA meeting on Weds, May 1 at 7:00pm in the school library and a morning HSA meeting on Thurs, May 2 at 8:00am in the lower church.  Please attend whichever meeting best suits your schedule.  We will be reviewing the many activities of the past month and discussing events coming […]

Father/Daughter Dance

The annual Father/Daughter Dance is scheduled for Saturday, April 27 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm in the school gym.  There will be dancing, raffles, photo fun, karaoke, and live DJ “shout-outs!”  Refreshments will consist of a hot food buffet and a dessert table!  Responses can be sent in tomorrow if you forgot before break. If […]

Due Wednesday: Mother/Daughter Tea

All SJS girls in PreK-Grade 8 should have received an invitation for Mother/Daughter Tea to be held on May 18, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at Assumption Church Hall.  RSVPs are due Wednesday.  Please contact Kate Davis with any questions at 70greenbean@sbcglobal.net.

Today: Munson’s Order Pick Up

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Munson’s fundraiser.  We sold nearly 1500 items and raised $2875.00! Orders will be available this afternoon Wednesday, April 3 during afternoon pick-up on the stage in the school gym.  If your child attends aftercare, you can pick up your order in the cafeteria this afternoon.

STEM Club – Grades 3 & 4

A few spots still remain if your child would like to participate! An afternoon STEM Club has been scheduled for Monday, April 8 for students in 3rd and 4th grade.  During this session, the robots will be getting ready for Easter!  Please see the attached form for details and sign-up information. STEM Club Permission Slip Grades 3&4

Due Monday: Yard Goats Ticket Orders

The HSA invites you to attend a Yard Goats game on Sunday, April 28 at 1:00pm at Dunkin’ Donuts Park.  SJS families will be displaying the Big Flag in center field during the National Anthem!  (See the photo below from last year.)  Children can also run the bases after the game.  It’s sure to be […]

Family Game Night – Join Us!

The HSA is teaming up with GameWright to host a Family Game Night on Friday, April 5 from 6:30-8:30pm in the cafeteria.   There will be lots of great new games to play and yummy refreshments!  Check out this flyer for all the info.  We hope you can make it!

Last Call: Mother/Son Event

All responses for the Mother/Son event are due by tomorrow (Weds) morning.  Simply follow this link to reserve your spot. All SJS boys are welcome to join in the fun of rock climbing on Sunday, April 7 from 3:00-5:00pm at Central Rock Gym in Glastonbury (259 Eastern Blvd).  Moms, you can climb side-by-side with your […]