Upcoming Online Safety Webinars

The CT Children’s Alliance is hosting two FREE online safety webinars that we encourage our parents/guardians to consider:

Student Presentation (For Ages 12+)
DATE: May 26th @6pm EST

Middle school students are into technology just as much, and in a lot of cases more, as any other age group. The problem is, middle school age students may not be thinking about safety at all. Whether it is sharing too much information with a stranger on a game app/site, cyberbullying others, sending pictures that may not be appropriate or posting images or comments online, they need to be aware of how doing these things can hurt them, either now or in the future.

Topics covered will be:
*Social Networking, how and why do they use them, safety concerns, etc.
*Cyber Bullying , how to protect themselves and others
*Texting Pictures, potential dangers that go along with this behavior
*Text messaging/Online gaming concerns
*Creating their “Digital Footprint”
*How technology can help or hurt them, not only currently but in their future

You can register for this online presentation HERE.


Parent Presentation Overview
DATE: June 6th @6pm EST

In today’s ever growing technological world, new trends and programs are developed to improve our lives. With this constant surge of new information and programs available, communication and the world is a click or text away. But with all these new advances, come new dangers and concerns. Parents need to be aware of the technology their children are using and the trouble that can follow if safety rules are not in place.

Topics covered will be:

*Today’s current apps and programs
*Cyber bullying
*Social Networking, positives and negatives
*How to protect kids from becoming victims
*How their families create “digital footprints”
*Tips for parents to keep their families safe

You can register for this online presentation HERE.