Tips on Social Emotional Learning: Goal Directed Behavior
During the past several weeks, we have been sending out tips on Social Emotional Learning that we thought might be of interest to parents. Today we wanted to share information on Goal Directed Behavior, another one of the 8 critical areas of importance for well-being. As noted in our earlier emails, studies show that developing and nurturing important skills in our children can help them become happy, productive, and successful adults as they appreciate how to think and act in stressful or challenging situations.
Here is some information about developing goal directed behavior – a child’s initiation of, and persistence in completing, tasks of varying difficulty: Goal Directed Behavior
Being able to set and achieve goals is a valuable life skill. Everything that goes into setting and achieving goals (having a clear, specific vision of what we want to learn or accomplish; having a plan that we can actually carry out, if we stay motivated, tracking and measuring our progress along the way; and creating a timeline for reaching our goal so that we are reminded to stay on track) help to prepare us for work life, for higher education, and for contributing to our families and communities in ways that are meaningful for us.
Generally, setting goals is the easy part! It’s following through and accomplishing them that can be tricky. Carrying out our action plan can become difficult or we may start to lose interest. But since setting goals, sticking to our plan, and then achieving our dreams helps build habits for a lifetime, it’s worth it in the long run! Here are some helpful tips and ideas from
If you want to refer back to any of our prior posts on Social Emotional Learning, links are below: