Theatre Club Starts Tomorrow

Thank you to everyone who RSVP’d for the theater club by last Friday’s deadline.  We had a LOT of interest, but thanks to a couple of extra parent volunteers who agreed to help out, Mr. Harris is going to take all of the students who had their paperwork in by the deadline.

Practices will start tomorrow – Wednesday, October 4th – right after school.  Per our standard policy, students attending the Theatre Club tomorrow will need to provide their homeroom teacher with A NOTE FROM HOME stating they have permission to stay after on all Theatre Club Wednesdays.

Student pick-up is promptly at 3:30pm outside the school gymnasium (please do not buzz into the breezeway – wait until Mr. Harris opens the gym doors and dismisses your student to you).  If your child will be going to aftercare after Theatre Club, please make sure you put that in the note.

Mr. Harris will be sending out an email to all participant parents this evening.