Teacher Assignments & Sign-Ups
Teacher assignments for Kindergarten – Grade 8 students were sent out earlier today via email. If you did not receive the email, please reach out to Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.
Along with the teacher assignments was a link for parents to sign up for a time slot to visit the classroom, meet the teacher, and drop-off/pick-up supplies. If your child will be doing REMOTE Learning, visits will take place on Wednesday, September 2nd. If your child will be doing IN-PERSON Learning, visits will take place on Thursday, September 3rd. The webpage with all the sign-up schedules for K-8 students can be found HERE.
Please be sure you are signing up for the correct day – there are two separate links for each teacher (the first section for remote, the second section for in-person).
Please note, everyone entering the building must wear a mask.
For Pre-Kindergarten students, please refer to the email from Mrs. St. Jean also sent out earlier today.