Surprise Dress Down Day Tomorrow

In the spirit of gratitude and to thank everyone for all the hard work that our students and staff have put forth so far this year, Mrs. Zorger surprised our school community this morning by offering a dress down day tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/23) for all SJS students and staff.  There are no specific criteria for Tuesday’s dress down day other than the standard SJS dress-down guidelines from our policy book:

  • No shorts (since we are in the winter uniform time-frame)
  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures, inappropriate slogans or advertisements.
  • Revealing clothing, including halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops, are not allowed.
  • Leggings are not allowed (unless the student is wearing a long shirt that comes down to mid-thigh)
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.