Ski/Snowboard Club Tomorrow (Friday)

We are hoping the weather will cooperate for tomorrow’s first outing for the SJS Ski & Snowboard Club.  It looks like the weather will clear in the afternoon, but please keep an eye on email in case plans do change and the mountain is unable to open.

For students/adults riding the bus to Mt. Southington, the gymnasium doors will be open at morning arrival for students to drop off their ski/snowboard equipment and bags with snowpants, helmets, gloves, etc.   Students will have an opportunity to change out of their uniform attire in the afternoon before boarding the bus.  Students will receive their lift tickets and rental agreements (where applicable) on the bus.  Please make sure your child has a note informing their teacher they will be going to ski club after school.

Also, please make sure you have reviewed the parent informational letter from Mr. Joyner that was emailed to parents of participants.