Reminder: SJS 2017 Annual Fund Campaign

Several weeks ago all parents, guardians, alumni, staff, and other friends of the school should have received a letter from Mrs. Kanute (along with the Spring SJS Community Newsletter) kicking off our 2017 Annual Fund Campaign.  Annual Fund donations provide our school with funding for much-needed capital improvement projects that are not covered by tuition or supported by the SJS Foundation.  This year, donations will help defray the cost of replacing another section of the school’s time-worn windows (in the cafeteria/gym wing of the school).

For those families and friends who have already donated, Thank You again for your support!!  With your generosity, we are already over 35% of the way to our goal in just the first few weeks!

If you have not yet made a (tax-deductible) donation, we hope that you will consider helping Saint James School stay strong for the future by making a contribution today.  Every donation – of every size – makes a difference!

Please visit to learn more and track our school’s progress toward our goal.

As always, we are very grateful for the ongoing, generous support of our wonderful school!