Reminder: Singers in Grades 4 – 8 Wanted
Saint James School and Saint Bridget School are proud to be supporting The Wall That Heals during its time in Manchester this September.
There will be several ways that our schools will participate – one of which is hosting a joint choir to sing at Charter Oak Park (where The Wall will be stationed) during the POW/MIA ceremony on Friday, September 20th.
If your (4th – 8th Grade) student(s) would be interested in performing a couple of patriotic songs and has transportation to/from Charter Oak Park on the evening of September 20th, please fill out the Google Form below. Our Middle School Music Teacher, Mrs. McKeever-DeLeon, has volunteered to work with interested SJS students after school hours (2:00pm – 2:40pm) on 9/4, 9/11, and 9/18 to put together a performance.
Please note, parents/guardians of participating students must be able to bring them to Charter Oak Park on Friday, September 20th for 6:30pm AND stay with them throughout the event.
Please sign your student(s) up using this link if they would like to participate and can make all the dates:
The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a mobile Education Center, is coming to Manchester, CT on September 19- 22 at Charter Oak Park and will be open 24 hours a day and free to the public. The Wall That Heals honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War and it bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.