Attention Parents Attending the Christmas Movie & Pizza Party

This notice is for all parent/guardians whose children will be attending the Christmas Movie and Pizza Party of December 13th.

We wish to make you aware that after 12:05pm dismissal on 12/13, all school staff, including the school nurse will NOT be in the school building during the time of the party (which runs from dismissal until 4:00pm).

If your child becomes ill, injured or has an emergency the parent volunteers will be contacting parents/guardians to come to the school.

If your child has specific health issues that we should be aware of, we recommend that parents contact either of the following parent volunteers before December 13th:

Diane Parsons @ 860-614-2456 or

Darcy Donnelly @ 860-249-3020 or

If you have any questions or concerns, you may also contact the Saint James School Nurse @ 860-643-5088