Reminder: Prospective Family Open House Events

Saint James School will host two Open House events during the month of January for prospective families and new students who may be considering SJS for the 2025-2026 school year.

The first will be an Open House for our Pre-Kindergarten program the evening of Thursday, January 23rd.  This will be a drop-in event between the hours of 6:00pm and 7:30pm.

The second will be our annual Daytime Open House for grades K-8 during Catholic Schools Week.  This will be held on Tuesday, January 28th and will begin with a presentation in the gym at 9:30am.  If you know of anyone who may be considering Saint James School, please invite them to attend.  Our Pre-K4 parents who wish to learn more about “the big school” are very welcome to attend as well!

Important note: We do require families to RSVP for our K – 8 open house.  Please SHARE THIS LINK with families you may know who would like to attend.

For students currently in our Pre-K3 – 7th grade program, returning student registration forms will be emailed out on February 3rd.  If your family has a NEW student that you would like to join us next year please complete our online application form through your FACTS family portal and/or reach out to Stephanie Holmes (if you have not already done so). New students will be considered for enrollment once the returning student registration period closes.

Thank you to everyone who has already liked, commented on, and/or shared our Open House post on Facebook and Instagram…. If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to do so now by clicking HERE for Facebook and HERE for Instagram to help us spread the word.  Thank you!

There will be an evening Open House in March (pre-k through grade 8) for interested families that cannot attend in January.  Of course, we also provide informational tours by appointment.

Please reach out to Ms. Holmes with admissions questions (