Please Make A Call In Support of Catholic Education

Please take two minutes of your time to help voice support for legislature that supports Catholic Education in the state of Connecticut.  Fortunately the  call Rep. Rojas & Sen. Cassano and ask them to “support Senate Bill 1012 – corporate tax credits for scholarships to nonpublic schools.”  Rep. Rojas is House Chair of the Finance Committee and he   He needs to be encouraged by many voices to pass this bill out of committee and then call it for a vote in the House if it makes it out of the Senate.


Please call (860) 240-8586, ask for Rep. Rojas and  leave a message with his aide.


Please call (860) 240-5302, ask for Sen. Cassano, but you will likely leave a message with his aide.


Please forward and share with other parishioners!


This is a painless and free way to support Catholic education.  Let’s fill up their voicemail tonight!