Parking Concerns
Morning drop-off (7:30am-7:50am) and afternoon pick-up (2:00pm) always creates very heavy traffic flow around the school area. This is why we encourage families to park in the St. James Church lot and why we have a crossing guard posted at Church Street. If you choose not to use the St. James Church lot, we need you to please pay attention to our school protocol for drop-off and parking:
Please do NOT Park against the curb in front of the main school and parking lots from 7:30am – 8:00am – this entire area is used for morning Drop-and-Go only (quick drop-off). If your child needs a few extra minutes to collect their things before getting out of the car, please park in the acceptable parking areas.
Parking on Otis Street is only permitted on ONE SIDE of the road only. Please do not park on the wrong side of the road as it creates traffic congestion.
Please pay attention to No Parking Signs and Do NOT park in the staff parking areas.
Thank you again for your attention to the safety of our community and following the posted traffic rules.