Parent Volunteers Needed

Christmas Store

Saint James School will be hosting our annual Christmas Store on Monday, December 12 for students to shop for fun gifts for family members.  We will need a lot of hands on deck to help our younger students shop and to work at the checkout at all times.  We are also looking for some help with setup and cleanup.  If you are able to help, please sign up using this link:

School Dance

SJS will be hosting a “dressy” dance for Saint James and Saint Bridget 7th and 8th grade students on Friday December 16th from 7:00pm-9:30pm.  We are in need volunteers for the decorating/set-up and to help organize and chaperone the dance.  The dance will be held in the SJS gymnasium.   If you are able to help out, please contact Sean & Patricia McCarthy via call/text at 860-614-6870.  Permissions slips and additional details will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead.  Thank you for helping us make this event fun for our students!