Notice about Catholic Sacraments

Information regarding Baptism, First Penance, and First Communion for ALL SJS Catholic Families:

* If you have a child who has not received the sacrament of Baptism, regardless of age, and you would like for them to do so this school year, please reach out to Rachel Bursiewicz, Leader of Religious Education at Manchester Catholic Community at or 860-643-2403 ext. 105.

* Likewise, if you have a child in grades 3 to 8 who has not received the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist and you would like them to do so this year, please reach out to Ms. Bursiewicz using the information above and she will coordinate with our school.

* If your child is currently in 2nd grade and was baptized in a Catholic church, we should have a copy of their baptism certificate on file.  If we do not, we will contact that student’s parents/guardians to obtain a copy.

* If your child is in grades 2 – 8 and will be making these sacraments this year, please note that there are two Family Days for Sacrament preparation.  Families are asked to attend 10:00a.m. Mass at Saint Bartholomew Church and continue the preparation immediately following Mass, on both Sunday, January 30th and Sunday, May 1st.  The student and at least one parent must attend.

The dates for both First Penance and First Communion will be communicated to families in the weeks ahead.

If you have any further questions regarding sacraments, please reach out to your child’s teacher