Reminder: Morning Drop-off & Pick-up
During the past several weeks we have received complaints from some of our neighbors regarding:
The blocking of driveways during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up;
The blocking of trash cans and recycle bins at the curb on Friday mornings (meaning the trash/recycles doesn’t get picked up); and
Speeding through area roads/not fully stopping at stop signs (specifically at Chestnut and Park Street, where students are out waiting for buses).
While we appreciate that most of our parents/caregivers are considerate of our neighbors and school zone regulations, we need everyone to be on the same page.
If you are having trouble finding a place to park in the morning or afternoon, please utilize the SJS parking lot or park in marked spots at St. James Church. If you are running late, please do not compromise the safety of others.
Please pass this along to everyone who brings your child/ren to school and/or picks them up. As always, we thank you for your efforts to make our school the best it can be.