Morning Arrival (and Dismissal) Reminders

Thank you to all of our families for your assistance in ensuring a smooth and safe morning arrival (and afternoon dismissal).  We appreciate the extra caution and adherence to our polices so that everyone has a great start (and end) to their school day!

A couple of reminders from the school office and from our crossing guards:

*Please remember our Drop & Go area is for students that are fully ready to quickly hop out of the car.  If your student needs a few extra minutes, needs to grab items from the trunk, or needs parent assistance, please pull down past the Pre-K building or on Otis Street to park.

* If, at any time, your child needs assistance getting to their classroom in the morning after we open the breezeway doors at 7:30am, please ask a school staff member to assist.  We do not allow anyone outside of school staff in the hallways during school hours unless they have checked in at the SJS main office and have received a visitor badge (which must be visibly worn on clothing).

* Breezeway doors close when the 7:50am bell rings.  K-8 students arriving after 7:50am must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to the SJS main office to be signed in.

* Always have your child exit the car onto the sidewalk – never exit them into the road.

* Always cross at the cross walk and with the crossing guards during arrival and dismissal – do not dart across the street with your child!

* Please remember that cars should never stop ON (or too close to) a crosswalk;

* And, lastly, please walk in front of the crossing guards (not behind) for safety reasons.

Please be sure to share this information with anyone that drops off or picks up your child.

Thank you again!