Morning Arrival & Afternoon Drop-off Notes
As a reminder, please do not park in the St. Mary’s Church parking lot when picking up or dropping off your children at school. St. Mary’s staff specifically request that our families do not park there. Please utilize the St. James Church Parking Lot (across the street) instead.
Also, please do not park in the driveway behind the blue house (between the blue house and the grass lot on the corner). There is a sign on the fence noting this area is reserved for SJS staff only.
Lastly, another reminder to please utilize the crosswalks when crossing the streets in front of the school in the mornings and afternoons. We want to continue to model safe practices for our students and we are fortunate that the town provides us with two crossing guards at high-traffic times to help keep our families safe.
Please share these important messages with anyone else that may be picking up or dropping of your child/ren.