Mask Policy for the SJS Campus
As you likely are aware, yesterday the governor lifted many of the remaining COVID-19-related restrictions as well as updating the mask mandate for people who are fully vaccinated. He did note that masks will still be required in schools for the rest of the school year. With these updates, we wanted to clarify that masks are still going to be required on our school campus (indoors and out) throughout the remainder of this school year. At pick-up and drop-off, there tends to be a lot of people in a small area and, since we have had much success this year following our current protocol, we feel it is best to stay the course through June 15th. We will be meeting with health experts this summer to evaluate our policies and procedures for the upcoming year. No matter where your comfort level lies with regards to masks at this point, we truly are grateful that our SJS families have been so supportive for the benefit of the entire school community.