Manchester Pastoral Planning Update
This weekend it was announced at Mass that the Archdiocese of Hartford has decided it is time to move forward with pastoral planning here in Manchester. Effective July 1st, Father Marcin Plucinnik, current Pastor of Saint Theresa of Calcutta Parish which is comprised of the Churches of Saint Bridget and Saint Bartholomew here in Manchester, will succeed Father Cavanaugh as Pastor of Saint James Parish with responsibility for Saint James Church and the Church of the Assumption in addition to his current duties. After a period of time, both Saint Theresa Parish and Saint James Parish will be merged into a single entity.
We are exceptionally grateful to Father Cavanaugh for all that he has done for our school during his 14 year tenure with Saint James Parish. His contributions have had an immeasurable impact on our community and all of us within it. In the upcoming weeks he will be working closely with Father Plucinnik to ensure a smooth transition. We ask that you please keep Father Cavanaugh and Father Plucinnik in your prayers during this time and in the months ahead.