Prayer Service This Friday @ 7:25am
All students, faculty, parents, and other guests of our students…
Hats Off Contest Ends Tomorrow
As a reminder, our Hats Off to Reading Contest ends tomorrow…
Yearbook Order Deadline is Tomorrow
The deadline for ordering 2015-2016 Yearbooks is tomorrow, Wednesday,…
SJS Soccer
The Saint James School Soccer season begins tomorrow evening…
No School Friday & Holy Weekend Schedule
As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow in observance of Good…
Lenten Prayer Service
All students, faculty, parents, and other guests of our students…
School Calendar Updates
Please update your calendars. After factoring in the few snow…
Box Tops Winners
Congratulations to Mrs. Plourd's class for winning the February/March…
Instrumental Music Notice
Instrumental music students in grades 6-8 will have lessons and…
Chess Club Reminder
Please note, Chess Club will be held again this coming Tuesday…
Hats Off to Reading Contest
As a reminder, our Hats Off to Reading Contest runs through April…
Important Reminder: Extended Day
Please remember, all SJS parents using the Extended Day program…
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Yesterday, Saint James School students celebrated the patron…
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Yesterday, Saint James School students celebrated the patron…
St. James Church Presents...
Please take a moment to read the attached information regarding…
Lenten Prayer Services
During the Lenten season, Student Council will be sponsoring…
4th Grade Presidents
On Tuesday, our 4th graders completed their project on an assigned…
Due by Friday: SJS 2016 Soccer Sign-Ups (Grades 3-8)
It's time to sign up for the 2016 Saint James Soccer season! …
Saint James School Foundation Golf Tournament Information
Please save the date for the 22nd Annual Saint James School Foundation…